Monday, August 22, 2011


Balance. Sometimes this word is my nemesis. Other times it's my m.o.. But it's almost always a struggle for me. And fortunately or unfortunately it is always balance in the area of healthy eating and exercise that is the hardest for me. I think I am pretty good at figuring out what is important in my everyday life in most areas which is a good thing (work/life balance for example), but the bad thing is when I am not getting good exercise or meals in, I feel like my whole life gets out of whack. If that makes any sense?
Well anyways, since February I had been going to boot camp, eating pretty well (mostly all gluten free), and feeling happy and energetic. This was a long stretch of success for me. Usually I get into a routine at that lasts about a month. But this time I was losing weight, I had lost over 20 lbs and felt so close to my goal. I really thought I had it this time. 
This is where balance comes in. I think it's important that I don't deprive myself of something if I am craving it because I have learned that always makes me want it more and then that leads to more ''binging'' on whatever that food item might be. But sometimes, giving into that craving means I would get one bite of that ''bad food'' and I would just not be able to stop...then I would quit eating well all together because I had already ruined my diet. So silly, but that's how I think sometimes.
So for about the last month (and especially since Jason finished the bar exam), I have slowly fallen off my gluten free track. Having a little here or there has lead to more and more eating of it. Jason and I have been going out to eat to finally enjoy having some time together...and it's not always easy to make the healthy choices...especially after some cocktails! The strange thing is I haven't really gotten stomach aches or stopped exercising. This of course lead me to believe I could still eat it. I know I am not allergic to it, but I know how I always end up feeling once it's worked back into my life all the way. Bloated. My cheeks feel chubbier, my clothes fit a bit tighter, and I just feel like I am dragging.
And to top it off, when we went to Florida I didn't exercise at all because it was wicked hot outside, so in the last week or two I feel like I haven't exercised as much as I should either. I feel pretty shitty...and I did it to myself. I am sure I am not alone but it's kind of embarrassing to admit too.
This all comes down to today. I signed myself up for boot camp and was planning a trip to the grocery store. I keep telling myself all is not lost and all I need to do is hop back on the wagon and I will be feeling good again in no time. It's just that first hop that really sucks. 
Balance to me means, buying those healthy groceries, having lots of options available in the fridge and cupboards, making exercise a priority, and also enjoying life and not beating myself up too much when I get off track. Even if that time off track was longer than I wanted. 
Bootcamp was great today, I saw two girls (sisters) I have gotten to know through bootcamp and they were so motivating to me today. It was just what I needed! (Thanks ladies!) And then I went to the grocery store and stocked up on tons of healthy foods. This always feels good too. You know, it's not always easy to slide right past the corn dogs and nasty as that may sound to some people...that junk is tasty sometimes! Especially when it's what you grew up eating. I was a picky child : ) 
But I know how good I feel when I stay away from processed foods...I just need to accept that it may never be easy and I will have weak moments, and that's ok. As long as I keep my lifestyle healthy most of the time...that's all I can ask of myself. 
I always see people who have blogs about living ''clean'' lifestyles. This really intrigues me and it generally seems that once they start eating that way they never turn back. I wish I could say the same for myself, and maybe someday I will reach that point...but for now I am ok with being flawed and will learn as I go! 
Enough blabbering.
When I got home from the grocery store, I went out to my vegetable garden and had quite a nice yield today. Look how fresh and delicious!! There will have to be salads with dinner tonight!

Let me know if you need some banana peppers because they are very plentiful this year!
As many of you may have guessed by my many references to Jamba Juice, I love smoothies. And in an effort to save 5+ dollars per smoothie, I needed to find more recipes that I liked so I could make them at home. I found this awesome app for the iPad or's not too pricey and they have some awesome options. Three pages worth of recipes!
The name of the app : )
One of the pages of recipes : ) Yum yum!
I also just subscribed to this magazine (Whole Living) which was pretty cheap and has some awesome recipes and articles as well. I tried out the Blackberry Wheat Germ smoothie today...minus the wheat germ and with a few tweaks. It was GOOD! Here it is!

Bri's Peachberry Smoothie
1/2 cup frozen peaches
1/2 cup frozen blackberries
1/2 cup milk
1/2 scoop unflavored protein powder
1/2 cup full fat plain yogurt
2 tbsp agave nectar
1 tbsp flax seeds

The app really helped inspire some good smoothie ideas. I never follow the directions and always like to change things up, but it's a good starting point! Also, I use the Magic Bullet to blend my smoothies, it's good for single servings and much easier to clean up compared to a big blender in my opinion. 
I know if I give myself a few days of super healthy eating, I will feel better. But as I said, it sucks getting back on the horse...
My plan is to have a great, healthy meal tomorrow with a recipe to share on the blog. Wish me luck!
Oh and one more good pal Louie hung out with my all afternoon as I cleaned and put away the groceries. He is so cute and I love his big blue eyes!
Happy Monday everyone : )


  1. Love it! Wish I was as positive as you ;)

  2. You're so sweet...I'm not always positive and as you saw you guys had a lot to do with my positivity that day! Excited for girls night whenever that may be : )
